This Miata is an acceptable burnt offering to the burnout gods

It's hard to pick a favorite moment in this video. Is it the Miata pressed, full throttle, into a wall, screaming in protest before it burst into flames? Could it be the man briefly walking up to the fire before saying, "screw it," throwing his fire extinguisher to the ground and slowly exiting frame? Maybe it's the bellowing of what must be a wounded ape around a minute and a half into the video.

It very well might be the driver of the deceased car diving back into the jaws of danger for what just has to be a Bud Light, because this is the perfect situation for a watered down beer.

No matter what moment stole your heart like a young lad seeing Baywatch for the very first time, you have to at least acknowledge that VIR's Hyperfest in Virginia has rocketed to the top of your future vacation plans.

Related: Doing burnouts is cool, until you overdo it