If you're looking to watch a brake-checking idiot get his just desserts, just skip to around to the one-minute mark of the below video. This is why you don't try to brake check anyone, much less the driver of a massive 50-ton tractor trailer. You know, because of the whole "mess with the bull, you get the horns" logic.
Why this Mini Cooper driver decided to piss off a trucker is beyond me, but you can tell he changes his tune -- from attempting to pull off insurance fraud to covering his own ass -- the moment he realizes that his mistake was all captured on the truck's dashcam.
Read More: Check out the Moment That a Mercedes SLS Brake Checks a Lexus for Reasons That Defy Logic
When it was all said and done, the driver of the Mini Cooper was slapped with several fines and his license was suspended for 11 months. As one YouTube commenter succinctly puts it, "dashcams sure have put a dent into the insurance fraud industry." Ain't that the truth. And, because we all know that what goes around comes around, especially when it comes to what you do out on the road, the Mini Cooper driver deservedly got served up some serious karma.
He's lucky that the truck driver didn't decide to add injury to insult, because a less patient guy probably would've been inclined to just start throwing blows the moment he stepped out of his vehicle. But, the guy knew he had caught the would-be scammer dead to rights, and all he had to do was point out the fact that his dashcam was turned on and go on with his day. For those keeping track at home, that's Trucker: 1, Mini Cooper driver: -1,000.
This post was originally published on April 29, 2019.