plane crash brazil
YouTube: ViralHog

Plane Crashes Onto Residential Street in Wild Video

Late last month, an absolutely insane moment happened in Guabiruba, Brazil. Pilot Fábio Reis was flying his single-engine airplane with his passenger, Alessandro Cunhago, until they suddenly experienced engine failure. The plane began to descend rapidly, and there wasn't enough time to make an emergency landing in a safe zone. The result was a crash landing on a busy road, and it was all captured on camera.

With no way to land somewhere safe, the pilot lined up the best he could to land on the street. In the video, you can see four cars driving on the road, as well as a pedestrian. The plane comes down rather quickly and catches the overhead electric cables. The plane flips upside down and crash lands into the street, breaking into many pieces, but luckily avoiding all civilians.

Miraculously, the two men both survived this serious crash. The pilot suffered some abrasions and was suspected to have internal bleeding and a few broken ribs. The passenger sustained lacerations to his face and a suspected broken jaw. Both men were taken to the hospital to be treated and have been reported stable.

Now the passenger and businessman, Mr. Cunhago, is actually a professional pilot who was interested in buying this particular aircraft. This flight was supposed to be their test flight to see if he really wanted to buy it. While it's been stated that the engine failed, it's still unclear exactly what part failed, but the plane was up to date on documentation. An investigation was launched to find out further details.

The onlooker in the yellow shirt was in utter disbelief after the crash. Had she been a few seconds behind in her walk, things could have been much more disastrous. With such a wild crash like this, it's fortunate to see that they avoided all civilians and both the occupants walked away from this with their lives.

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