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Woman Riding Moped Skids Into Storm Drain After Getting Hit by Car


I've seen some pretty wild and terrifying crash videos in my day, but this incident that went down in the Brazilian state of Pará has to be one of the craziest things I've ever seen, period.

27-year-old Mayara dos Santos spent several minutes trapped inside a storm drain, after a red sedan crashed into her moped as she was crossing an intersection in the municipality of Paragominas. As you can see from the intense footage, the impact of the collision sent her flying from her scooter, causing her to skid on the asphalt before falling head-first into the seven-feet-deep storm drain.

All I'll say is that there is so much to unpack in the first seven or so seconds of the above video, that you'll have to watch it at least a couple times to even process the insanity of what just happened. Absolutely unreal!

Read More: Shocking Dashcam Footage Shows Boston Police Cruiser Slamming Into Moped Thief

Per Daily Mail:

The worried driver is seen stepping out of his vehicle and looking down the hole, as other witnesses rush over to help.

Brazilian news outlet O Liberal reported that Luis Carlos Diniz climbed down into the manhole to rescue dos Santos before the paramedics arrived.

Dos Santos spent several minutes in the manhole before being rushed to Eastern Pará Regional Public Hospital.

Dos Santos' family said she is scheduled to undergo surgery for spinal cord injuries.

Obviously, spinal cord surgery doesn't sound like a walk in the park, but thankfully there were plenty of Good Samaritans that rushed to the scene of the accident, or who knows what the end result might have been?

It all just goes to show how dangerous it is out there on the roads, and the vital importance of defensive driving.

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