When it comes to major traffic jams throughout the United States, we've seen roadblocks of all shapes and sizes, from angry truckers to landslides to everything in between. But, the roadblock featured in the above video? That's just on another level of crazy. Have to say this is the first time we've ever seen anything like this.
During a storm in West Suffield, Connecticut, a car ended up getting stuck in a straight upright position, which brought traffic to a standstill. Oh, and there was a woman and two young children trapped inside of the car.
It may look like a video game glitch, but this crazy scene was as real -- and as terrifying -- as it gets.
Here's how the incident, which happened back in 2017, ended up unfolding.
"One witness in her car in the opposite lane when a microburst blew the car in front of them and had it stuck up a displaced support wire, leaving it tangled in telephone lines," reads the video's description. "She can be heard on the footage wondering what might have happened in that split of a second, saying 'the wind took it.'"
"The driver of the black sedan was Lisa Beaulieu with her two children, ages 4 and 5. She says that she saw a telephone pole break and fall down in front of them, but she didn't have the time to stop, so they got tangled in the wires. 'I was worried we were going to fall, the cable was going to break or the wire was live,' said Beaulieu."
Being stuck in a car on anything less than four wheels is scary enough to begin with, not to mention the fact that it was basically suspended in mid-air and surrounded by wires. It's a miracle that everyone was able to make it out of the car all right.
They probably weren't thinking this in the moment, but at least the Beaulieus got a pretty wild story out of the whole thing. Considering it happened about two years ago, they're probably just about ready to start telling it.
This post was originally published on April 16, 2019.