Sometimes you just have a rough day on the job, and that's exactly what I'd classify this stop as. This garbage truck driver was just going about his route and getting the trash picked up, but a stubborn trash can had other plans.
After emptying the first trash can, the driver backed up and moved to the blue one. Things fell apart from here, and this hilarious video was featured on America's Funniest Home Videos.
Now, I'm not sure if the trash was just too packed into that little blue bin, or what happened, but it clearly didn't empty out when it was upside down on top of the truck. Instead, the trash finally releases as it's on its way back down to the ground, but the force of the hydraulic machine sends it flying in just about every direction except inside the actual truck. It's one of those moments where you just facepalm and take a deep breath to retain your sanity, but hey, these things happen from time to time.
I do have to respect the driver, because while many people would just shrug it off and continue their route, at the end of the video, you can see the door to the truck swing open. My assumption would be that he took responsibility and picked up all the trash, even though it was likely quite time consuming. I'm sure this wasn't the first time something like this has happened, but I'd imagine anytime it does occur, it's just as frustrating as the first time.
I'm sure if he took a little more time to give those cans an extra shake while upside down, this kind of thing would happen less frequently, but something tells me he made some adjustments in his technique after this. Even though it was a pretty unfortunate situation for the driver, it still made for one hell of a funny video.