country classic cars
YouTube: Ramblin Around

Even a Fire and a Tornado Couldn't Shut Down This Classic Car Dealership

Country Classic Cars is a classic car dealership operating out of Staunton, Illinois. They've gained quite a reputation for offering listings for some of the rarest finds on the market. Auto enthusiasts in search of classic and collector cars come to Staunton from all over the country to browse through their inventory, and from the looks of it, they definitely aren't disappointed.

How cool would it be to take a tour through this place?!

Country Classic Cars was started as a weekend hobby by an ex-mechanic/midwestern farmer named Russ Noel. Finding and fixing classic cars turned out to be a lucrative passion, however, and Noel soon turned his passion into a business. When a lot along Interstate 55 went up for sale, Russ jumped at the opportunity. As it turns out, the land had a great location adjacent to the Historic Route 66.

But, besides just offering an awesome selection of cars, this dealership's ability to withstand some serious hardship is what makes its story all the more incredible.

What Caused the Fire at Country Classic Cars?

Country Classic Cars hasn't always had the best of luck.

In 2017, the CCC facility caught fire and destroyed the office, gift shop, and 143 cars. The source of the fire remained a mystery for some time, but authorities have now suggested that the fire originated in a malfunctioning vehicle that CCC was storing. Ordinarily, batteries are disconnected, however, the process was overlooked and an electrical fire began.

A second hardship struck Country Classic Cars in late 2018 when a tornado hit the newest wing of the complex. The troubles don't seem to have gotten the best of Russ and his wife Anita. The day after the tornado, Russ said they'd start rebuilding in the morning, and CCC is still going strong today.

This post was originally published on November 25, 2019.

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