You can get an F1 engine in this Mercedes, but it comes with one huge downside

The Mercedes-AMG hypercar is getting a lot of buzz, and for good reason. AutoCar reports that the manufacturer will make only 275 of these beauties, which are supposed to contain a Formula One power train, 1,000 hp and an engine that spins to 11,000 RPM.

If that's not enough of a wow factor, how about this: The car will have four electric motors - One powering each front wheel,  one to spool the turbocharger and one connected directly to the crankshaft - and a 1.6-liter turbo V6 engine that will only last 31,000 miles before it needs to be reworked or even totally replaced.

While the engine life sounds low, that is the price you pay to have a Formula One winning powerplant. Plus, this isn't a car meant for everyday - or maybe every month - driving. And while the price tag, which approaches $3 million, may seem prohibitive, AutoCar reports that the manufacturers expects the available cars to be sold before its reveal at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September.

Expect to see these lovelies on the road in 2019.

Related: Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 50th with style