Rick Hendrick wants a NASCAR legend to eventually succeed him at HMS

Maybe this is the reason Jeff Gordon is taking more of an interest in Hendrick Motorsports.

Gordon, who has an equity stake in he team, could be in line to succeed Rick Hendrick at the helm of  HRM, according to a report by the Sports Business Journal's Adam Stern.

"I think it's too early for that. But he can do it if he wants to. And it he wants to, I want him to."

RELATED: Jeff Gordon could take on a more prominent role at Hendrick Motorsports

Gordon, currently an analyst on Fox, has taken on an increasing role at Hendrick. His Fox Sports contract, which he began in 2015, has one more year to run, and he's already said he can't take on an increasingly role at Hendrick while continuing in the broadcast booth, as he told SBJ.

I have one  more year on my Fox contract, and I don't know exactly what's going to happen past that. I've really enjoyed it; it's been a lot of fun, very educational; to me, it's the best way to step out of driving, because it's enough pressure to make you work hard at it but it's also an adrenaline rush because it's live TV. And I've also learned a lot about the spot and people in the sport. But ... if my role here increases (at Hendrick Motorsports), its hard to do both. I can do both right now at the level that I'm at...Me and Rick (Hendrick) are constantly talking about the future and what that looks like but no decisions have been made.

One things for sure. At the age of 46, Jeff Gordon has a whole lot of options to choose from.