Most adults don’t buckle up in the back seat and it’s a big problem


According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, adults are still not buckling up while riding in the backseat. It's a real safety concern that if addressed properly could save lives.

For many years a car's safest seat was one in the rear. Cars didn't have many safety features outside of a lap belt, so the back seat was the preferred place for children to sit as it offered the most protection from a front end collision. Over the last few decades, vehicle safety has become a top priority with every auto manufacturer and because of that, the margin of safety between the front and rear has narrowed.

What most back seat passengers don't realize is that they are putting other people at risk by not buckling up. An unbuckled rear seat occupant can harm other passengers during an accident by their own body being thrown in their direction.This negates the responsible passenger's that buckle up in the first place

According to IIHS, seat belts have saved 13,941 lives in 2015. They estimate an additional 2,800 lives could have been saved in that same year if everyone buckled up. You're chance of survival in an accident goes up by 45% if buckled up in a car, and 60% in a truck or SUV. In 2105 38,200 people died in car accidents. Almost half of them were not wearing a seat belt.

Currently all cars have front seat belt warning chimes and as annoying as they may be, they work. One easy measure that can be taken to save lives would simply be a chime for rear seats. Any little bit goes a long way, and as time goes by and people realize the risk, we will continue to see the number of auto accident fatalities go down.