This Goat Is the Greatest of all Time When It Comes to Causing Traffic Jams


GERMANTOWN, Md. (AP) -- The appearance of a goat on a road in a Maryland suburb of Washington created traffic delays and an opportunity for county police to come up with many puns.

The Washington Post reports the goat was found Monday on Muncaster Mill Road in Germantown, but it's unclear where he came from and how he got on the roadway.

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A video from a commuter shows a brown goat planted in the middle of the road as cars inch past in the rain. During the eight-second clip, the goat appears mostly unfazed as he looks around.

In a tweet, Montgomery County police revealed the goat's name was indeed Billy, calling him the "Greatest of All Time scapegoat" for traffic delays. Police also said they "herd" animal services reunited Billy with his owner.

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